K-12 Teachers, Earn up to $200 for your Science and Math Programs, brought to you by AIAA, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
If food is too much of a carnal motivator for your students, and your class wants something more intellectually stimulating, well: does RoboRescue fit the bill? You get to make robots and your robots get to help deliver medical supplies in dire life-and-death situations.
Aerospace Grants by the Air Force Association. Nuff' said. Since we believe in the proverb "hard work and preparation meets opportunity", we encourage you to start writing your applications for this undeniably cool grant offer.
Are you passionate about Entomology? Say, studying insects under a microscope? Look no further and take the chance to expand your current curriculum! Entomological Foundation beckons.
Extras! Because in case none of the above interest you and you want to strike your own pot of gold, a well-written grant proposal will always be appreciated. Here's some Grant Writing Tips from BP.
With the above funding and resources, your kids can make rocket science happen, literally! Stay tuned for Part 2.