Revolving around STEM schools, each Town Hall will focus on engaging key stakeholders in supporting STEM schools and identifying resources and best practices. The three-webinar series will kick off tomorrow, July 9, at 5 p.m. ET with, "Leveraging Federal and State Resources to Support STEM Schools."
The following speakers will offer their unique institutional perspectives on the topic:
- Danielle Carnival, Ph.D., Senior Advisor - White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
- Jim Colby, Division of Human Resource Development, Education and Human Resources Directorate - National Science Foundation
- Jeff Weld, PhD., Executive Director - Iowa's Governor's STEM Advisory Council
- Tom Peters, Ed.D., Executive Director - South Carolina Coalition for Math and Science
- April M. McCrae, Education Associate, Science Assessment/STEM Coordinator - Delaware Department of Education
You can join in on the Town Hall by registering here. You can also keep up with the action by joining in on the Twitter Chat using #NS4STEM.
The second Town Hall of the series, "Engaging Industry - Promising Models of Corporate Engagement in STEM Schools," will be held on July 30. Speakers at this webinar will discuss promising practices of industry engagement in STEM school support. "Field Report: STEM Schools in Action," will wrap up the Town Hall series on August 20 and offer perspective from STEM school supporters, administrators and teachers.