Wednesday, February 8, 2012

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In this group blog from Learning First Alliance, national education leaders explore how to transform public education to support student achievement and lifelong success in the global community.

Nomination Time for Outstanding Math and Science Teachers

Do you know an outstanding K through 6th grade math and science teacher? Each year, the President of the United States recognizes outstanding mathematics and science teachers for their work in the classroom with Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Nominations for this year’s awardees are currently bei...See More
Jean Oelwang, CEO of Virgin Unite, introduces us to the Carbon War Room Campaign.

Use Valentine’s Day as a reason to send cards to special people in the community or to the troops in Afghanistan.
Use Valentine’s Day as a reason to send cards to special people in the community or to the troops in Afghanistan.

Do you have a crush on a scientist?

What do you think is the best popular science song of all time? If you don't have one in mind, make one up. If we're overwhelmed with responses, who knows--we might just start handing out worthless prizes.
Yesterday we ran a story about calculations that confirmed earlier news that physicists may be on the verge of discovering the existence of the Higgs boson, ...


A microgripper is a microscopic tool that can grasp and manipulate microscale objects safely. This is a fluorescent micrograph of a microgripper that was biochemically-triggered by cell media to close around L929 fibroblast cells. The cells were stained with a LIVE/DEAD assay and glow green under UV fluorescence, indicating that they are alive. The polymer used in the microgripper joints is also UV reactive and appears reddish-orange. The microgripper features phalanges made from gold-plated nickel which enables remote magnetic manipulation and can also be triggered by mild heating to ~40ºC.

 ·  · 8 hours ago ·